Posted by ICON School on Sep 29, 2019 3:49:00 PM

Listen: The Top 10 Types of Students Who Choose ICON
Listen time: 8 minutes 30 seconds
Hear Vickie McCullough, Head of ICON School, discuss the 10 types of students we typically see at ICON in this audio recording from 2018. Or, read on for the top 10 reasons why students and parents decide on online public school.
Why Online School?
There are many reasons that students and parents decide upon public online school, and each reason is unique to the specific needs, wants, and focus of individual students. If you're considering making the move to Idaho Connects Online School, it can be helpful to understand the reasoning behind others' decisions -- even if their situations are completely different from your own.
Here are some of the ten most common reasons (in no particular order) that middle school and high school students choose to attend free online public school.
1. It Fits Their Learning Style
For some students, the pace of traditional in-person high school or middle school is incompatible with their learning style. If classes move too quickly, it's easy to get behind and overwhelmed. It's not any better if the courses move too slowly: being way ahead of the rest of your classmates can result in boredom and distraction.
Online public schools give students the flexibility to move at a pace that suits their learning style, making it a better choice for those who find a traditional brick and mortar school just isn't meeting their needs.
2. They're in a Remote Location
In many areas of rural Idaho, there are no other choices (or private school options are too expensive). Online school is the choice for many students in rural Idaho.
Students in areas where there is a public school available but the bussing situation is less than ideal (like an hour or more each way) also benefit from the option to finish online rather than spend so many hours simply commuting to and from school.
3. They Experienced Disciplinary or legal trouble
For students facing suspension or expulsion, online school offers a way to get back on track and finish required coursework for their diploma. Some students who have been kicked out of traditional school will school with ICON for the period of their suspension or expulsion and then transition back to traditional school.
Probation is sometimes a byproduct of the reason a student was suspended or expelled. However, it is almost always a condition of probation that a minor is enrolled in school. Online school is often the preferred way to meet this requirement.
4. They are Employed full-time
There are many reasons why a student might be working full-time, and unfortunately traditional high school doesn't work well for those students.
Because ICON does not require you to school during a specific time of the day, it is a great fit for young adults who need to fit their schooling into a full-time work schedule.
5. To Get Ahead or Graduate Early
ICON does not recognize semester boundaries. That means that whenever you complete a course (as long as it’s not too close the end of the school year), you have the opportunity to start the next class. You can work as quickly as you like to graduate early.
Some online students also want to get a head start on their college courses, and adding online school gives them a better option to balance their course load.
6. Due to Frequent Travel
Whether you are a member of a military family who needs to be able to school seamlessly while relocating, or if you are a competitive athlete who must travel for training and competitions, online school offers an education option that fits your lifestyle.
7. They Have Special Education Needs
Often, just removing the social distractions of traditional school can help students on IEPs thrive. Because ICON is a public school, we follow all the guidelines for special education in the state of Idaho.
Even students without an IEP who just have unique education needs find that online school gives them the freedom to approach schoolwork in a manner that makes sense for them.
8. Due to Social Anxiety
Sometimes the traditional brick and mortar schools create too many barriers for people with anxiety, from getting on the bus to being uncomfortable in an overcrowded classroom. Students with anxiety disorders have been very successful at ICON.
Other mental health issues also make traditional schools tricky, so online school offers up a sense of safety that is welcome for many students.
9. They Experienced Bullying
We often see students enroll because they have been the victims of bullying. Online public school is the safest school choice for these middle school and high school students.
Those who have experienced bullying and opt for online school find that they can either complete their high school education online or just take a break while doing courses and return to an in-person school down the road.
10. They are Pregnant or a Young Parent
Young moms and dads and expecting young moms find online school a great way to balance the demands of parenthood while still being able to complete their education.
Students who become pregnant and worry about how the birth will affect their semester find that the flexibility of online school works best for their unique needs.
If any of these sound like you or your student, contact ICON for more information about how to enroll in free online public school.