Posted by ICON School on May 14, 2018 1:53:00 PM

There was a time not so long ago when it was a dig to suggest someone went to school online. It was a way of questioning the legitimacy of someone’s education during a time when the internet was considered by some a fad and there wasn’t much infrastructure around online schooling. Today, many people use the internet to do traditionally place-bound things such as work, education, and communication. It’s no longer unusual for someone to work, learn, date, and socialize online; in fact, there’s a chance we do these things more online than we do in “real life.”
That said, some myths persist about online learning. Here are a few of those myths and the facts you should know.
6 Myths and Facts about Online High School
Myth #1: Online high school isn’t academically rigorous
In fact, the inverse may be true depending on a student’s learning style; online schooling requires a high level of self-motivation and self-discipline. Online courses are as challenging and demand as much work as traditional high school courses. Online public high school is merely an alternate way of completing the same grade requirements that a regular high school experience provides.
Myth #2: Students of virtual high schools don’t have access to teachers
You may be concerned about online public high school because of teacher access; after all, who wants to be taught by a computer program? In reality, online learners have consistent and supportive face time with their teachers, and the capabilities of today’s internet-based communication tools make it easy for students to reach teachers. Many online high schools have low teacher to student ratios, improving a student’s ability to get help when they need it.
Myth #3: Distance programs don’t transfer to other schools or colleges
You should ensure you’re attending an accredited online public high school if you want your credits to transfer or be accepted by a university. Online public high schools like ICON are fully accredited by their state board of education and all credits earned are transferable to other public high schools. Colleges have no problem accepting a high school diploma or GED from accredited online public high schools.
Myth #4: Online high school students miss out on socializing
While there’s no Sadie Hawkins Dance for distance learning students, there are plenty of extra-curricular and socialization opportunities for students who learn from home. Joining local clubs, playing sports, and giving back with community organizations can give distance learning students a rich sense of friendship and connectedness.
Myth #5: Online education is only for “troubled” kids
Frankly, a virtual high school could be a good fit for almost any student. Many different kinds of students find online education valuable and practical, including kids struggling with substance abuse or destructive behavior. But others choose online schooling for its flexibility, for the self-directed, from-home approach to education, and for better customization. Students with social anxiety or those with special needs may choose an online high school experience. There are even students who’d simply rather be home with their families but want a transferable high school diploma.
Myth #6: Distance education is expensive
Finally, we’ll address the cost aspect of virtual high school: with online public schools like ICON, tuition is free, just like traditional public school. Some online programs may be expensive, but not a free online public high school.
Online high school has benefits that can't be achieved through traditional means, and for some students, it's the best possible option.
If you have additional questions or concerns about whether online high school is right for your child, we're happy to answer them!