Posted by ICON School on Dec 28, 2020 11:09:38 AM

Online education has expanded tremendously over the last couple of years, especially since the onset of COVID-19. The appeal of online learning continues to grow due to its convenience and accessibility. Today, e-learning provides many of the same benefits as traditional classrooms and more. Here are just a few of the many benefits students stand to gain through online education.
Convenience and Flexibility
Online platforms offer greater convenience and flexibility in helping students obtain the education they need. Students can choose the timing and location of their classes, as well as the pace at which they work, making it possible for slower students to take more time to thoroughly learn their subjects, while gifted students can move more quickly to avoid getting bored.
Online learning also offers extensive resources ranging from videos and tutorials to seminars, webinars, online libraries, educational websites, and more. Students can avail themselves of these multimedia tools to create unique, informative presentations to share their thoughts and views on important subjects, such as current events, scientific findings, or political situations around the world. Upon completing their assignments, students can immediately submit their work to their teacher via their laptop or tablet to avoid getting lost. All work can be saved online as well for future reference.
Better Student-Teacher Interactions
Online learning promotes better interaction between students and teachers to enhance the quality of education a student receives. Teachers can make use of different learning styles to help students progress in their studies. They can also give students more time and individual attention to learn challenging subjects or overcome learning difficulties when needed. By working more closely together, both students and teachers benefit from the online experience.
Fewer Gaps in Education
Online school reduces gaps in a student’s education as students can always view pre-recorded classes at their convenience to pick up lessons they missed due to illness, death in the family, or other reasons. If they need help with specific concepts, they can email their teacher for clarification or more detailed explanations of the missed classes. Studying online enables students to always stay on top of their education without worrying about falling behind.
Easy Access Worldwide
Online schooling can be done anywhere in the world with internet access. Students can continue their studies when visiting relatives abroad or on an extended vacation if they so desire.
On the college level, online learning is more cost-effective than brick-and-mortar schools, making it more conducive for college students on a budget as they can save on accommodations, textbooks, transportation, and more. This reduction in costs, however, doesn’t compromise the quality of online education, making it a win-win situation for students choosing e-learning over attending campus studies.
Improved Computer Skills
Needless to say, students have the perfect opportunity to hone their computer skills through the regular use of their laptop or tablet for online studies. Such skills could include touch typing, internet research, use of educational software, organizational computer skills, and more.
To learn more about online education for your child or teen, contact ICON today.